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Jobs Boom in Florida

January 31st, 2014 by flanews

Governor Rick Scott has used job creation as a reelection pitch against former Governor Charlie Crist. As Matt Horn reports – a job growth report supports more jobs, but Rick Scott isn’t solely credited on the increase.

Florida continues to outpace most states in the country by adding private industry jobs. Florida TaxWatch is reporting the highest increase per capita since 2005.

“On a percentage basis, we’re second in the entire country on job creation, only behind North Dakota this year,” said Dr. Jerry Parrish, Florida TaxWatch. “That’s a big improvement.”

It’s a reelection year and Governor Rick Scott is using the increase in jobs as his key pitch to be re elected.

“Florida shed more than 800 thousand jobs in the four years before I took office. Taxes increased, debt increased and the unemployment rate rose to 11 point four percent,” said Governor Rick Scott, (R) Florida.

Florida’s economy plummeted during former Republican Governor turned Democrat Charlie Crist’s time in office. But, during Crist’s time in office, the entire country was in the worst recession since the Great Depression.

“The notion that any one person brought that, or any one governor certainly brought that on, it’s just absurd, it’s laughable,” said Crist. “If they try to sell that to people, people are smarter than that.”

A key factor in Florida’s 2013 job growth is a direct reflection of other states across the country.

“One of the main things is, is record tourism. We’ve had record tourism over the last couple of years and that contributes significantly to not only the economy, but to the state revenues as well,” said Dr. Parrish.

The report shows the only sector to lose jobs was Government…state and federal while local government continued to add jobs. Overall 192-thousand jobs were created in 2013.

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