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Budget Proposal Unveiled

January 29th, 2014 by flanews

Governor Rick Scott unveiled a 74 point two billion dollar budget for the 2014-2015 fiscal year. As Matt Horn reports – the Governor says he wants more money in Floridians wallets.

Governor Rick Scott unveiled his election year budget in front of newspaper editors meeting at the capitol. He has been dribbling out details for the last several weeks.

“My message for the people of Florida is this: it’s your money we want you to keep it in your pockets, invest in your hopes, and invest in your dreams. Our state is heading in the right direction,” said Gov. Scott.

His proposals include a 542 million dollar increase for K through 12 education; and plans to cut 500 million dollars in tax and fees.

“We want to create an opportunity economy in Florida,” said Gov. Scott.

David Hart with the Florida Chamber of Commerce says an early look at the budget suggests a big win for Floridians.

“I’m very encouraged by the additional funding; the historic high levels for education, for K through 12, our state colleges and universities, said Hart. “That’s pretty exciting.”

Former Florida Governor and Gubernatorial Candidate Charlie Crist is concerned with Governor Scott’s budget announcement.

“I’m disappointed from what I heard about how it relates to education funding, requiring about 300 million dollars more in property taxes on the backs of our fellow Floridians with the required local effort that doesn’t sound like the right thing to me,” said Crist.

Legislative leaders responded with mostly favorable comments on the Governor’s tax cutting plans. Lawmakers will have the final say on how much is spend and where.

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