Mail in Revote Raises More Questions Than Answers
March 14th, 2008 by flanewsState Democrats are waiting on a decision from their National Committee chairman and both presidential hopefuls on whether to proceed with a mail in election. But as Whitney Ray tells us, the plan for a mail in redo raises more question than it answers.
Never in Florida�s history has a statewide election been held through the mail. The US Postal service all but guarantees ballot security.
�We have the postal inspection service and inspectors uphold specific statues for covering aimed at securing the mail,� said Marlena Hopkins, US Postal Service.
The postal service has stricter regulations for political mail. It�s marked with a red or green tag and logged at almost every stop. One problem with a mail in redo would be finding all the registered voters. Election supervisors say at any given time 20 percent of registered votes haven�t updated their addresses.
Leon County Election Supervisor Ion Sancho says if a ballot is sent to the wrong address, whomever receives the mail could cast a vote, registered democrat or otherwise. Sancho supervised a 2005 citywide mail in election.
�It�s simply not an idea that can go forward this time. You don�t want to do an election at the last second without anticipating that there would be a myriad of problems,� said Sancho.
They would also need the Secretary of State�s office to verify voters� signatures. The Secretary of State�s Office says they�re hands are tied.
�There�s no law that would give the secretary or the supervisors the authority to verify those signatures, so we would have to work through some legal hurdles,� said Sterling Ivey a Spokesperson with the Secretary of State�s Office.
Governor Charlie Crist wants the delegates seated based on the January 29th results, but he says if the mail-in redo is held, he would offer his support. State Democrats expect to have an answer from the Democratic Nation Committee Monday, about whether or not they would uphold a Mail in Redo to seat Florida�s delegates.
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