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Hurricane Proof Homes Could Revolutionize Florida’s Housing Market

February 29th, 2008 by flanews

A Florida Business is building one of a kind hurricane proof homes right in the panhandle. The houses are being assembled at a factory in Carrabelle, but as Whitney Ray tells us, the homes will be shipped all over the Southeast.

Hear it here: Hurricane Proof Homes Could Revolutionize Florida’s Housing Market

Green Steel Co-owner Bud Chiles says his homes can withstand a hurricane.

“They’re capable of withstanding impact winds of up to 150 miles per hour,” said Chiles.

Chiles and his partner got the idea to build the steel structure cottages from the string of hurricanes that ripped through the gulf in 2004 and 2005. Their idea is to build safe, environment friendly, affordable housing. The two bedroom homes sell for a hundred thousand dollars. Not only is the home storm proof, Chiles said it will also withstand fire.

“There’s no paper of no OSB, no wood in it, so if you had a flood basically there’s nothing in this to get wet and you might have to replaces your floor or your cabinets,” Chiles said.

The assembly line swings into full gear in about a month. It will produce 600 homes a year. The windows and walls are assembled in this 65,000 square foot factory. They’re picked up by cranes and moved out the door. Green Steel Production Manager James Auth said the hard work is done in the assembly line.

“At that point it’s just a matter of siding the gable ends and moving in the furniture,” said Auth.

The homes can be assembled on site in just a few days, and even though the materials in the homes cost more than traditional building products, the final product doesn’t because they are built on an assembly line.

Posted in Hurricane Season, State News | 8 Comments »

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