Crist Pledges to Cut down On Greenhouse Gas Emissions
February 14th, 2008 by flanewsThe state government is taking a step toward going green and government officials hope Floridians will follow. Thursday, Governor Charlie Crist announced a plan to cut down on greenhouse emissions. Crist released his gas reduction scorecard pinpointing ways state employees can help the environment. The governor said from this point forward the state will build more energy efficient buildings and cut back on gasoline consumption. Crist’s teaming up with members of the Department of Environmental protection to lead by example.
“This is a wise use of our taxpayer’s dollars and will protect all that is special about Florida for our future these savings can be used to invest elsewhere in Florida’s economy. It is the right thing to do and makes good economic as well as environmental sense,” said Crist.
The governors plan to reduce greenhouse gases by 10 percent is equal to taking more than 16,000 cars off the road.
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