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Election Reform Legislation to Come

January 30th, 2013 by flanews

Today Republican Legislative leaders told reporters six hours is too long to wait to cast a ballot. That’s how long some people waited to vote in Florida in the 2012 presidential election. Voting rights groups say a 2011 state law that shortened early voting from 14 to eight days is to blame for the long lines. Senate President Don Gaetz is looking at expanding early voting during the upcoming legislative session.

“What I think the Senate will look at is understanding that Florida and Florida counties are very diverse and we can’t force a one-size fits all template down on the heads of people who live in different places and live in different circumstances,” said Gaetz.

Gaetz was in the legislature when early voting was cut nearly in half and Governor Rick Scott signed and defended the reduction in days bill. Now both Republican leaders are open to restoring at least some of the days.

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