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RPOF Chairman Target of Voter Intimidation

October 25th, 2012 by flanews

The head of the Republican Party of Florida ineligible to vote? That’s what a letter sent to RPOF Chairman Lenny Curry says. As Whitney Ray tells us, Curry is one of nearly a hundred Florida voters who’ve received a bogus letter telling them their citizenship status is in question and they may not be allowed to cast a ballot.

Republican Party of Florida Chairman Lenny Curry receives a lot of political mail, but this letter caught his eye and his ire.

“Whoever did this, I don’t know how they look at themselves in the mirror,” said Curry.

The letter claims Curry’s citizenship status is in question and without an administrative hearing, he may not be eligible to vote. Curry received the letter Tuesday at his Jacksonville office, not his home address where he’s registered to vote.

“I’ve made personal contributions to candidates and used that address so, it doesn’t look like they’re using a voter file. It looks like they are using some other file,” said Curry.

Other GOP donors have also been targeted.

“The city council president in the City of Jacksonville got the same letter as well. Ambassador John Ruth who is the finance chair for the Romney camp, he lives in Jacksonville, he got the letter as well,” said Curry.

The letters began showing up over the weekend. Nearly 100 voters in 28 Florida counties have received the messages. They’re county specific and even include the proper name and email address of each county’s election supervisors

But the letters aren’t the only voter intimidation tactic being used in Florida. Some voters are receiving calls from people telling them they can cast their ballot over the phone.

Secretary of State Ken Detzner is telling voters to be on the lookout.

“Beware of any calls, any unusual contacts, letters or anything unusual in the process,” said Detzner.

Of course you can’t vote over the phone, or online and efforts to trick people to keep them away from casting a real ballot are illegal.

The letters are being mailed from Seattle, Washington. They mainly target Republican Super Voters, but some Democrats have received them. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the FBI are investigating.

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