No More Teaching to the Test
August 21st, 2012 by Mike VasilindaGovernor Rick Scott and the Republican Party of Florida have a new TV commercial touting increased funding for schools and a pledge to stop teaching to the FCAT, but even educators are unsure what the Governor means.
As millions of kids returned to Florida schools on Monday, Governor Rick Scott and the Republican Party released a new TV spot with a promise. I’ve listened to the frustrations parents and teachers have with the FCAT. Next year we begin improving our testing system. No more teaching to the test” say the ad.
After we watched the video we called the Department of Education to ask them what they Governor meant. Their response? Ask him. So we did.
“They way you to that is you have tests that are no just…they are analytical instead of just asking for some memorization” says Scott.
Scott continued to push the education agenda six blocks from the Capitol, accepting a check from Publix Charities to help kids learn to read.
The FCAT ends in the 2014 school year with or without a push from Rick Scott. That’s when Florida joins 44 other states that have adopted Common core standards. Mark Pudlow of theFlorida Education Association says just changing tests won’t change the testing culture. “It really gives us an opportunity to get everybody together and come up with a good system of evaluating students and teachers. Making sure that we that we’ve raised our standards and that we’ve improved public schools and provided the funding for it”, says Pudlow.
As FCAT is being fazed out, students are also facing more end of course exams that began last year. The Governor provided no specifics on how the test would be changed. The state is in the middle of a 50 million dollar a year, five year contract to implement the FCAT test.
A call to the Foundation for Florida’s Future, Jeb Bush’s organization, for comment, was not returned.
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