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Board Weights ACA Options

July 20th, 2012 by flanews

It’s a hard pill to swallow, but state insurance leaders who opposed the Affordable Care Act are now discussing how to implement it. The US Supreme Court ruled most of the new regulations are non-negotiable, but as Whitney Ray tells us, insurance experts plan to use their wiggle room.

This room full of Florida bureaucrats and health insurance providers are meeting for the first time since the US Supreme Court ruled the Affordable Care Act constitutional.

They’re discussing what the new law forces them to do, and what parts are optional. Insurance Commissioner Kevin McCarty says there are still a lot of unknowns.

“It’s really to discuss what happened in the aftermath in the court’s decision, what are some of our options and what are some of those things Florida has done is to create options for Floridians,” said Kevin McCarty.

Before the high court ruled Governor Rick Scott turned down a million federal dollars to set up health care exchanges. Now the Florida Health Insurance Advisory Board has to make a recommendation by November about whether or not to set up exchanges.

The board’s recommendations will go to state lawmakers who can then put any changes into a bill to be voted on next year, but there are strong opponents of the Affordable Care Act in the state legislature. Plus the Governor has vowed to oppose any new regulations he legally can.

That includes a massive expansion of the state’s Medicaid rolls. Nearly two million more Floridians will soon qualify for the entitlement. But the court ruled states can’t be penalized for not providing coverage, and the board isn’t likely to make that recommendation.

“No we won’t be discussing Medicaid expansion. I think the Governor’s been pretty clear on his position on Medicaid expansion.” said McCarty.

We asked people if the governor should embrace the changes or fight what he can. Opinions were mixed.

“I think he should embrace it and put it in force,” said Charles Judah.

“I believe he can take some things from it. You know, I don’t know if it can be a whole blanket case,” said Philips Haynes.

Despite the Supreme Court ruling, the fight’s not over. The board expects a clear picture of the future of health care in November after the country picks a president.

If the state did expand Medicaid, the federal government would send two billion dollars to Florida to cover the cost, but overtime more of the cost would be shifted to the state.

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