RPOF Proposes Solution to Voter Purge Problem
June 1st, 2012 by flanewsThe feds are telling the Florida Division of Elections to stop efforts to remove illegally registered voters from the voting roles. Today many elections supervisors followed complied, but the Republican Party of Florida has a different plan. They’re asking the feds to help. RPOF has launched this online petition asking the president to make available a federal immigration database. RPOF Chairman Lenny Curry says the database would keep the state from misidentifying legally registered voters as illegal.
“The big question is why won’t the administration work with us with the data in that database? The only thing I can come up with is they want to politicize this,” said Curry.
The feds are giving the Division of Elections until June 6th to respond to their request to stop the purging. The efforts are catching heat because some of the people the state identified as illegally registered turned out to be US Veterans. RPOF says the federal database would prevent those types of mistakes.
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