Browning Leaves Elections Office
February 17th, 2012 by flanewsFormer Florida Secretary of State Kurt Browning announced today he’ll run for superintendent of Pasco County Schools. Yesterday was Browning’s last day as head of Florida’s elections. He served nearly six years, through two governors overseeing several primaries and the 2008 presidential election. Capitol Correspondent Whitney Ray sat down with Browning on his last day in office, and brings us this exclusive report from Tallahassee.
Secretary of State Kurt Browning certified his last election Tuesday. Browning’s leaving office to be closer to his family and run for Superintendent of Pasco County Schools. He was appointed to Secretary of State in 2006, by Governor Charlie Crist, he resigned in 2010, and came back last year at the request of Governor Rick Scott.
“The first question he asked me, was after the niceties was, can you fix Palm Beach County,” said Browning.
Palm Beach County and its hanging chads were partially to blame for the 2000 election debacle. Then in 2006, new touch screens failed to record 18-thousand votes. Slow returns and voter machine malfunctions occasionally haunt the county.
“I looked at him and said yes sir I can,” said Browning.
On Election Day 2008, the 2000 election was still a hot topic, and the country was watching Florida. The results came down with few problems.
Browning declared 2008 the new benchmark, and vowed to leave 2000 in the past.
“Florida’s been the leader in election reform and our elections, I think, are so much further along than most, if not all states in the nation,” said Browning.
Browning leaves as the 500th anniversary of the European discovery of Florida approaches. His duties included overseeing historical resources. Browning hopes Florida’s election problems are history and the state is better off for his time here.
Browning’s replacement took his post today. Ken Detzner served as secretary briefly under Governor Jeb Bush, and now becomes the focus of the voter lawsuits.
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