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Democratic Primary Blues

December 5th, 2007 by flanews

Florida Democrats have lost the latest legal battle against the national party.  A Federal Judge has ruled against U.S. Senator Bill Nelson in a lawsuit filed against the national Democratic leadership. But as Chris Casquejo tells us, state Democrats are still trying to recruit delegates.

Hear it here: Democratic Primary Blues

Florida Democrats may have lost a court fight to keep their delegates, but they aren’t letting a disagreement with the national party slow them down. They’re using the internet to recruit all 210 delegates anyway.  Democratic National Committee member Jon Ausman believes Florida will get a say in the nomination before the battle is over.

“I’m convinced that we can talk to the other states to allow Florida, along with Michigan, to be represented at the national convention,” he said.

National rules allow 4 states to hold primaries or caucuses before February 4th.  Florida and Michigan are not among them.  Democrat Laura Jessup isn’t letting the party fight stop her from casting a ballot in January.

“Because when it comes to the end and I vote, I know I’ll vote for who I want to vote for,” Jessup said,  “I don’t care about the rest of all that.”

All the major Democrats running for President signed pledges not to campaign here in Florida, a move that doesn’t sit well with many voters.

Christopher Lair has not decided whether to vote Democrat or Republican.

“Florida is one of the most densely populated states in all of the United States,” Lair said.  “I’d expect the Florida voter to have a little more weight.”

Democrats aren’t the only ones being penalized.  The GOP is losing half its delegates over the early primary date.

The Democrats will hold their nominating convention in Denver in August.

Posted in Elections, Politics, State News, Voting | No Comments »

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