Abortions Bills
March 28th, 2011 by flanewsFlorida law may soon require women seeking an abortion to get an ultrasound before they receive an abortion. That’s just one of 18 bills making it through the legislative process in an effort to cut down on the number of abortions in the state. The ultrasound bill was vetoed last year by then Governor Charlie Crist. Governor Rick Scott is expected to sign off on the measure if it reaches his desk. Barbara DeVane, a spokeswoman with the National Organization for Women says the GOP lead effort goes against their campaign message of less government.
“These are the same people that want to limit government as I heard someone say the other day, they want to make government so small they can get under my bedroom door, into my bed, down my throat, and into my uterus,” said DeVane.
The number puts Florida among the top five states in the country for anti-abortion bills, West Viginia is leading the way with 30.
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