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Budget Hole Woes

December 8th, 2010 by flanews

The news is going from bad to worse in Tallahassee, where lawmakers just found out the two billion dollar budget deficit could swell to 3.5 billion. As Whitney Ray tells us, tough choices will have to be made to fill the gap.

Roads, schools, and police protection: just a few of the services your tax dollars buy. But unemployment, foreclosures and the BP oil spill have slowed tax collection. Now state lawmakers are left with some tough decisions.

“There’s going to be some tough choices to make as fare as reforms of certain services that are being done right now,” said Rep. Erik Fresen.

The target is on state employees and Medicaid. There is a push by Republican leaders to privatize parts of the entitlement program that eats up one in three and a half tax dollars. Governor-Elect Rick Scott wants to cut 5-thousand state jobs.

Florida TaxWatch has it’s own list of ways to save. The nonpartisan government watchdog has released a list of 125 cost savings ideas, estimated to save billions.

“We are really looking at multibillions of dollars that Florida is going to need and this reports going to help the legislature and new governor get there,” said Robert Weissert with Florida TaxWatch.

TaxWatch is working closely with lawmakers to push their plan. The burden falls heaviest on Republicans who have a supermajority in the House and Senate.

Even though they are outnumbered, Democrats are optimistic they can have an impact on the budget process. House Democrat Alan Williams is extending an olive branch across the aisle.

“We can work together. There are things that we all want to accomplish to make this state better,” said Representative Williams.

Representative Michelle Rehwinkel Vasilinda wants make it easier to collect taxes already owed, but not collected on online purchases.

“There are other ways for getting revenue that are fare that we need to be looking at and it’s not just cuts,” said Rep. Rehwinkel Vasilinda.

While tough decisions will have to be made, legislative leaders say tax increases are off the table. There has also been talk of cutting a billion dollars from the Department of Corrections. The Florida Police Benevolent Association says a cut that drastic could result in an even more dangerous work environment for correctional officers.

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