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New Quinnipiac Poll: Sink by 4, Rubio by 7

October 28th, 2010 by flanews

Independent candidate for US Senate Charlie Crist is closing the gap, but is still seven points behind Republican Marco Rubio, according to the latest Quinnipiac Poll.

The survey shows Rubio getting 42 percent of the vote, Crist with 35 and Democrat Kendrick Meek with 15 percent. Quinnipiac Pollster Peter Brown says Crist is stealing votes from Meek.

“Obviously the fewer people who vote for Kendrick Meek the better off Crist is in the senate race. The question is, can he move enough people from Meek to himself to overtake Rubio. That’s a tall order with a handful of days left in the campaign,” said Brown.

The poll show Alex Sink leading Rick Scott 45 to 41 in the race to be Florida’s next governor. Two weeks ago the same poll showed Sink losing by one.

“The governor’s race is still to be decided. It’s a statistical tie. Obviously this was taken before the debate and whatever implications the rest of the debate has on voters views,” said Brown.

Brown says Scott’s campaign is using the debate cheating scandal to try to build distrust for Sink.

“If they can get voters to reconsider their presumption that she is the more honest of the two, she is the more candid of the two, then potentially that can help Mr. Scott,” said Brown.

The polls says 11 percent of voters are undecided in the governor’s race and 9 percent will consider switching their vote before next Tuesday.

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