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Attack on Negative Ads

October 27th, 2010 by flanews

One Florida supervisor of elections has had it with negative campaigning. He says the negative ads are meant to keep you from voting. 10’s of million of dollars have been spent on negative TV ads this election, so as Whitney Ray tells us, the elections supervisor is fighting back on TV.

Sancho is asking all voters to do their homework before voting and to check out every negative statement made about a candidate.

If you believe the TV ads, then there are no good options this election cycle. For the past three months politicians have dominated the commercial breaks. Republicans calling Democrats tax and spend liberals, Democrats accusing Republicans of cronyism.

Leon County Supervisor of Elections Ion Sancho has had enough of the mudslinging. He’s waging a TV war on negative ads. Sancho says the goal of negative ads is to keep your opponent’s supporters from voting.

“It’s important I think for people to recognize that they are being manipulated by candidates who don’t want them to vote,” said Sancho.

Fueling all the political mudslinging is 10s of millions of dollars. This has already been one of the most expensive elections in Florida’s history and the fundraising and spending aren’t over yet. Voters say the money and the lies are out of control.

“There are too many pressing issues that need to be addressed other than nitpicking and trying to make fun of people,” said Dedra O’Neil.

“Voters ask for that because they don’t do their homework and they don’t hold feet to the fire and they believe whatever they are told and that’s who they vote for,” said Linda Vaughn.

By the time the ads stop running and a winner is declared, the damage has already been done; and voters end up with representatives that at best have a perception problem.

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