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Data Privacy Ready for Floor Vote

March 1st, 2022 by Mike Vasilinda

New legislation to protect consumers data is on the move this week in the state Capitol. It gives consumers the right to know what data a company has and it allows you to make them stop selling the information. As Mike Vasilinda tells us, State and nation business interests have launched a full court press against the legislation.

House Bill Nine doesn’t stop companies from selling your data, but it gives give you rights says sponsor Rep. Fiona McFarland (R-Sarasota).

“One, it gives the consumer the right to know what information a company collects about them. Two, it gives the consumer the right to delete or correct that information. And three it gives the consumer the right to opt out of their data being sold or shared” says the sponsor.

As the legislation was being debated, the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste released an ad arguing businesses could face billions in compliance costs.

“Some politicians want those wasteful policies in Flordia, costing taxpayers here tens of billions.”

Democrat Andrew Learned offered six business backed amendments to narrow who was covered under the bill.

“There is a reason there are three hundred registered lobbyists on this bill” says Learned. “Businesses across the state of Florida are all crying foul.”

The no vote was overwhelming on all six amendments offered.

So far, the companies have one win. The bill originally required them to remove your data upon your request within 48 hours. Now it’s four days.

The measure also requires the companies to destroy the data after having it for three years, which McFarland says is more than enough time. 

“So at three years, is certainly sufficient time for a company to hold your data and still service the purpose you gave it to them. If you have another interaction with the company, you buy another product or you sign up for another email, the clock starts again. But three years is really a long time for a company to hold on to your private information.” 

The measure is a top   priority of the House Speaker and Governor. The House will take a final vote on the data privacy legislation Wednesday.

In the case of a consumer under 18, the bill requires companies have to permission to sell the data, rather than requiring an opt out that is required for adults.

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Net Metering Bill Ready for House Vote

March 1st, 2022 by Mike Vasilinda

A utility backed bill could soon make solar less affordable in Florida. Lawmakers want to change what the companies pay customers who generate excess solar. Right now, they pay what they charge per kilowatt hour, but the legislation would allow payments equal to the cost avoidance of creating a new unit of power. Sponsor Lawrence McClure contends no solar customers are subsidizing those with panels. He says it will stop.

“Let’s be very clear. We are going to be at zero subsidy in the state” says McClure. “We don’t want to wake up five, seven, ten years down the road and find hundreds of millions or billions of cost shift that would result in depending on how high it got, four, five, ten fifteen dollars per month per rate payer. So we’re absolutely going to avoid that.”

The utilities contend that customers who have solar are not paying the full cost of the transmission lines and other fixed charges. Solar installers say the measure will gut the industry.


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