Net Metering Clears House
March 2nd, 2022 by Mike VasilindaThe Florida House has passed a bill that will lower utility payments to solar users, but critics say it will kill the industry. Co-sponsor Alex Andrade (R-Pensacola) likened the current arrangement between solar customers and utilities to a gardener and a grocery store.

But Democrat Ben Diamond says that of the one hundred thousand roof top solar owners in Flordia, eighty percent are still paying for them.

“And the homeowners are relying on the financial incentives to pay for the energy they are producing. These are the folks selling the energy back to the grid.They’re not trying to get rich” says Diamond. “They just want to help combat climate change, reduce air pollution, generate clean energy for their family and share with their community.
Under the bill payment to solar owners from utilities will be reduced over a six year period. The measure does not impact municipal utility providers.
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