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Don’t Say Gay Ready for Senate Floor Vote

February 28th, 2022 by Mike Vasilinda

Florida lawmakers spent nearly three and a half hours today debating and listening to the public on legislation that has been knick named the don’t say gay bill. It gives parents more rights to be included in discussions about their child’s sexuality and gender identity. As Mike Vasilinda tells us, the bill is now one step from the governors’s desk.


The legislation bans teacher led discussions about sexual orientation and gender identity. GOP State Senator Jeff Brandes offered an amendment to cover all inappropriate ”

“If the intent is not to marginalize anyone, lets make sure we aren’t” Brandes told committee members.

It failed. Two parents  then spoke about secret discussions at school with their children about their sexuality.

Opponents argued they knew they were gay at an early age. 

“Since before kindergarten” said one speaker.

Teacher Tamara Parker of Port Orange called the bill vague.

“I have worked to form relationships with my parents in my classroom, and this is not it” she told the committee.

The Christian Family Coalition Florida was asked if they thought the discussion could

“make someone gay?” Asked Sen. Jason Pizzo (D-Miami).

Anthony Verdugo, founder of the Christian Family Coalition Florida responded “Kindergartners should have to hear there are forty seven different sexual preferences, or a hundred different sexual identities.”

Unlike previous hearings, the public got almost an hour and a half to speak today, and that still wasn’t enough time for everyone.

In debate, Sen. Jason Pizzo asked pointedly “why are we picking on people?”

Sponsor Dennis Baxley (R-Ocala) responded.

“And I believe its imperative, if we love children, that we put parents in charge.”

Outside Equality Florida supporters regrouped.

The legislation now goes to the full Senate.



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