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‘Jamie’s Law’ Would Require Background Checks on Ammunition Purchases

November 16th, 2021 by Mike Vasilinda

Newly filed legislation would require background checks for anyone buying ammunition.

The bill is dubbed “Jamie’s Law, for Jamie Guttenberg, who died during the Parkland massacre in 2018.

Jamie’s father Fred, has been fighting to restrict guns since his daughter’s death.

He said the checks would cure a loophole in state law.

“The problem: There’s no requirement for a background check on ammunition sales. So you can be someone who just stole a gun, illegally got your gun from some kind of trafficking or were in possession of it and you are intending a crime. You can walk into any store and buy the bullets and nobody is going to check. If we extend background checks to ammunition, we immediately save lives,” said Guttenberg.

If passed, a person illegally purchasing or selling ammunition would face a third degree felony, which comes with up to five years in prison and a $5,000 fine.

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