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Judge to Rule on Lawsuit Challenging Florida Mask Optional Requirement

August 26th, 2021 by Jake Stofan

After three full days of testimony the state and parents suing over it’s mask opt-out policy made their closing arguments Thursday.

The parents argued the Governor overstepped his authority, while the state argued the dispute boils down to a political question.

Attorney Craig Whisenhunt who is representing parents suing the state argued the Governor took away a useful public health tool in the midst of a worsening pandemic.

“I don’t believe anybody disagrees that the COVID rates in Florida have skyrocketed,” said Whisenhunt.

He also argued it should be school boards who make the rules on masking.

“There can be no rational, reasonable, competent basis to prohibit school boards from complying with expert recommendations from the CDC,” said Whisenhunt.

But Michael Abel, an attorney representing the State, argued the judge is being asked to delve into a political debate.

“Plaintiffs want this court to rebalance state policy, and in doing so, overrule the parent choice rights,” said Abel.

Abel also argued the Governor struck a balance between the rights of parents and public health with his executive order on masks.

“You can protect public health and have parent choice,” said Abel.

The two sides had very different perspectives on whether the judge could determine if schools were operating safely.

“I’m not going to try and define it, but I know it when I see it,” said Whisenhunt.

“Under no circumstances can ‘I know it when I see it’ be a judicially manageable standard,” said Abel.

There is a question as to whether any ruling in this case could even affect the Department of Health rule requiring parental opt-outs.

That’s because the parents didn’t sue the Department of Health directly, nor did it challenge the parents bill of rights.”

“The operative rule stands on its own and has direct statutory authority,” said Abel.

The judge will issue his ruling Friday.

No matter the outcome, an appeal is expected.

There is also a lawsuit in federal court alleging the opt-out policy violates the Americans with Disabilities Act.

At least two school boards currently defying the opt-out requirement have also indicated they plan to file suit.

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