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Honoring Bobby Bowden

August 13th, 2021 by Mike Vasilinda

The reality of the passing of Bobby Bowden started sinking in for fans, former players and friends of the legendary coach as they paid tribute to the coach as he lie in state in the Historic State Capitol Rotunda Friday.

Bowden was described as a man of faith, tough, and having a heart of garnet and gold.

Burly state troopers struggled with a casket weighing 700 pounds empty.

The family and FSU president John thrasher paid their respects first.

Afterwards Thrasher was visibly moved.

“I’m emotional, emotional. But God bless him and his family. He was a wonderful man,” said Thrasher.

A steady flow or mourners paid their respects over the three hour memorial.

Broward Sheriff Gregory Tony told us Bowden was responsible for his successes.

“All those things that were part of practice, part of football, turn into the foundation for how I even lead my organization to this day,” said Tony.

The consensus of many who came her today: FSU would never have become the powerhouse it has become without Bobby Bowden.

“He said Sue, I’m looking for a momma for my team,” said Sue Hall, Bowden’s former assistant.

It was a role she held for 23 years.

“I think he cared so much for his team and they knew it. He had a lot of faith, and god helped him, I believe,” said Hall.

“He knocked the cane on the floor.”

At least a dozen former players shared stories with each other.

“He would go to those lockers when he knew kids were hurting and he would sit at those lockers everyday after practice and talk to them,” said Jordan.

Bowden passed at the age of 91.

We’re told Bowden approached getting older, by saying he wasn’t going to let the old man in.

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