Unemployment Changes Passes Final Senate Committee
April 15th, 2021 by Mike VasilindaNewly unemployed might be seeing an increased weekly benefit of a hundred dollars after July first.
Legislation raising the weekly stipend from $275 to $375 cleared its final Senate Committee Thursday.
State Senator Victor Torres of Orlando didn’t vote in the final stop, but he was the lone no vote at its last committee because it did not go far enough.
“I want us to have an increase, but I also wanted them to have the expansion from 13 weeks to 26 weeks, which would offset for a longer period of time for them to have benefits, like the Federal government was providing. And they didn’t want to accept any amendments like that so that’s why I don’t support the bill,” said Torres.
Torres says he will keep fighting for a 26 week benefit period over the current 13 in law when the bill hits the Senate Floor.
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