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Orlando State Senator Decries Proposed Voting Restrictions

March 9th, 2021 by Jake Stofan

A Democratic Florida Senator is speaking out against changes proposed to the state’s voting laws by Republican lawmakers.

Senator Randolph Bracy said bills aimed at limiting vote by mail and a proposed constitutional amendment that would raise the bar for passing future amendments are attempts at voter suppression.

He noted with Florida coming out of the past election without encountering any major problems, the changes are unnecessary and will restrict access to the ballot box.

“They’re putting fourth every kind of measure to suppress the vote, to limit access to voting, to limit access to vote by mail- a way in which Democrats have voted overwhelmingly this past cycle. And so if I was a Republican, Democrat, Independent, whoever, I would be upset that these games are being played,” said Bracy.

According to the Brennan Center for Justice, 253 bills with provisions that restrict voting access had been filed in 43 states as of February 19th.

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