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Capitol News Service » Blog Archive » Provisional Data Suggests Suicide Deaths Fell in 2020

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Provisional Data Suggests Suicide Deaths Fell in 2020

February 11th, 2021 by Jake Stofan

Provisional data from the Florida Department of Heath shows suicides were unexpectedly down in 2020 compared to previous years.

But mental health experts warn while the data paints an optimistic picture, addressing pandemic related mental health issues remains a major concern.

Since early on in the pandemic Florida officials have expressed concern about how lockdowns, record high unemployment and isolation would impact Floridians’ mental health.

“I really worry about suicide, drug abuse, alcohol abuse,” said Governor Ron DeSantis during a press conference in March of 2020.

But provisional numbers from the Department of Health paint a surprising picture.

Suicide deaths appear to have dropped in 2020.

2,989 suicides have been recorded.

It’s 437 fewer than the previous year.

“It is a little surprising to see the numbers,” said Melanie Brown-Woofter with the Florida Behavioral Health Association.

The early numbers represent a 13 percent decline in suicides compared to 2019.

She told us it’s too early to know exactly what to glean from the data.

“The numbers are not final. We won’t have those results at least until mid-year 2021, but we are seeing a rise in deaths from opioids and other substances. So we’re just looking to make a final confirmation on how the data is related,” said Brown-Woofter.

While the provisional data suggests suicides were down last year, people are reporting more mental health issues overall.

“Recent polls have shown there’s an increase in anxiety, increase in depression. And certainly the community provider is seeing an increase in individuals presenting for services, increase to crisis call lines,” said Brown-Woofter.

And experts caution the apparent decline in suicide deaths likely won’t make a large impact to the overall suicide rate.

We also don’t have data on the number of suicide attempts in 2020.

The finalized report won’t be completed until May.

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