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Bumpy Road Ahead for Transportation Projects

February 9th, 2021 by Jake Stofan

The Florida Department of Transportation is expecting major budget losses in the coming years as a result of the pandemic.

When asked what areas might be facing cuts to make up for pandemic revenue losses, Senate Budget Chair Kelli Stargel was blunt.

“The roads are not going to deteriorate overnight. We’re going to maintain some of this process, but I don’t know that we’re going to be able to fund it to the level we had in the past,” said Senator Stargel.

The Department of Transportation is expecting $2.9 billion less revenue over the next five years.

This year alone it deferred 23 projects and canceled 54 others.

“This was truly unprecedented,” said Stacy Miller with the Department during a presentation to state Senators Tuesday.

Lawmakers are already expecting to delay funding for the Sun Coast Parkway extension, a top priority for Legislative leadership just one year ago.

“Right now we can’t afford it, but I don’t want to kill the policy,” said Senator Ed Hooper.

Lawmakers are also looking ahead to future transportation woes.

The rise of electric vehicles will mean less revenue from taxes on gasoline, the primary source of revenue for the department.

“We have to come up with a fair, equitable way to maintain our infrastructure,” said Hooper.

Even though electric vehicles aren’t projected to significantly impact gas tax revenues until 2028, Hooper argues a plan to make up the losses needs to be in place now.

“2027-28 is just around the corner for even more diminishment of that revenue stream. And we can’t wait til that happens to start addressing the need,” said Hooper.

Lawmakers have until April 30th to craft a budget with $2.1 billion less than they thought they’d have last year.

Whether it’s transportation or another sector that’s on the chopping block, there are tough decisions ahead.

The Department said despite the loss of revenue, it will prioritize safety and preservation related projects.

It also plans to continue funding projects that are already active.

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