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State Launches Vaccine Registration Site

January 29th, 2021 by Jake Stofan

Florida launched a statewide website for getting your place in line for a vaccine Friday.

MyVaccine.FL.Gov is the state’s new one stop shop for vaccinations.

It allows Floridians to enter their information and secure a place in line for a vaccine.

“The hunting around and trying to find appointments as they come up doesn’t work,” said Jared Moskowitz, Director of the Florida Division of Emergency Management.

Moskowitz told lawmakers this week counties can pull names from the list and contact residents when appointments become available.

“So instead of people having to go and find appointments every single solitary day as they pop up, they will be in line and we’ll be able to communicate with them,” said Moskowitz.

The site will also help the state give residents a more accurate timeline of when they can expect to get vaccinated.

“Based on the throughput kind of tell them what the timeline is gonna look like. Based on supply, where they sit, what the timeline could look like,” said Moskowitz.

The site does have its limitations.

It can’t schedule appointments for vaccinations at Publix Pharmacies.

“Right now the Publix system and the state system don’t talk, but I’m not saying that eventually can’t happen,” said Moskowitz.

Counties also have to opt in, but Moskowitz says even if they don’t, the system can still be of value.

“We can say, hey county, look you’re not using our system, but there are 100,000 people in your county that signed up. They signed up in this order. Here’s that list. Again, you county, can work off that list if you want to,” said Moskowitz.

For now, only those 65 and older, long term care facility residents and staff, health care workers and those deemed extremely vulnerable to COVID can register.

You can also call to sign up for the list.

Click this link to find the number to call for your county.

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