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Study Shows Women, Black Floridians Less Likely to Trust Vaccine

January 14th, 2021 by Mike Vasilinda

A new study from the University of South Florida released today shows that men are more likely to get vaccinated at 64 percent, compared to just 53 percent of women.

African Americans are also less likely than others to get a vaccine.

The study found 60 percent of both whites and Hispanics said they will either “probably” or “definitely” get vaccinated, compared to only 49 percent of African Americans.

State Representative Fentrice Driskell said the distrust dates back to when Black share croppers infected with syphilis, were enrolled in the Tuskegee Experiment and intentionally not treated throughout the program’s 40-year run.

“There also can be concern about, in the African American community, mistrust just generally of doctors and people not going to get check ups as regularly as they should. So when that’s the baseline, it’s even much more difficult to get some members of that community to be willing to try something deemed as experimental as a new vaccine,” said Driskell.

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