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DEO Functioning Better

October 1st, 2020 by Mike Vasilinda

Thursday marked the start of 2020’s fourth quarter and that means everyone receiving unemployment benefits must check back in with the state to conform they are still unemployed.

Some glitches are still plaguing the system.

An estimated 400,000 people are being required to log in to the CONNECT reemployment system to continue their benefits.

The check in is required by federal law.

In this video available online, DEO walks claimants through the process.

By all accounts, the technical part of the system is working, unlike past quarter changes in April and June, when the system was overwhelmed.

But people like shuttle bus driver Caroline Carnegie are having trouble getting answers when she signs on.

“And I tried numerous times up until about eight o’clock at night. And I just could not get in there to locate my weeks that I have been missing,” said Carnegie.

Caroline isn’t the only one.

Gianmany Rodriguez cant afford shampoo, laundry detergent and a whole lot more.

“I have two credit cards that are maxed out,” said Rodriguez.

Gianmany received some benefits, then went back to a two day training session and his benefits stopped.

“I was eligible, but since I had the return to work, they just assumed I was working the whole time,” said Rodriguez.

And because federal benefits expire before the end of the year, this will be the last time claimants will have to do a quarterly checkin, they are extended.

Gianmany told us he starts a new hotel job Thursday night.

Caroline plans to serve as a poll worker during early voting and on Election Day to make ends meet.

But both want the benefits they have coming to catch up on their bills.

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