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Governor Expected to Announce Supreme Court Appointment

September 14th, 2020 by Mike Vasilinda

Governor Ron DeSantis missed a noon request to appoint a justice to the Florida Supreme Court Court.

The court then issued a new order just before three, giving the Governor until 5 PM Monday to make the appointment.

As the clock ticked noon, there had been no official notification from the Governor that he had complied with this state Supreme Court order to name a new justice by a noon deadline.

At 11:38 an email titled the ‘Governor’s Daily Digest’ promised an announcement about the future of the Supreme Court.

The Governor’s lawyers previously told the court there was not enough time to vet the remaining candidates by the noon deadline.

Representative Geraldine Thompson said that was inexcusable.

“Those individuals were vetted back in January and between January and May, he had an opportunity to look at all of them,” said Thompson.

And of missing the deadline, Thompson had this to say, “He is just lawless and doesn’t feel that rules apply to him. He feels he doesn’t have to follow the constitution and its very distressing, very troubling.”

For only the second time since 1975, Florida’s high court is without an African American on the bench.

The Irony is that it was an African American woman who kept another black justice from taking a seat on the court.

“But if you want a person of color, you’ll take an unqualified person of color. And no, I do not subscribe to that philosophy,” said Thompson.

Renatha Francis was scheduled to fill the vacancy later this month, when she hit her 10th anniversary as a member of the Florida Bar, but the court ruled Friday she was ineligible when her name was put on the nominating list.

We asked the Secretary of State’s office if the Governor had filed anything by noon, but nor released it.

We never got an answer.

The Governor has continued to support his candidate for the Court.

He’s scheduled to make an announcement in the State Capitol at 5 PM Monday.

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