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Election Officials Desperate for Help Amid Pandemic

May 14th, 2020 by Jake Stofan

Florida’s Election Supervisors say time is running out for the state to prepare for Primaries in August and the November General Election.

The pandemic is expected to create a shortage of poll workers, require changes to polling locations and create a significant influx of mail ballots.

President of the State Association of Supervisors of Elections Craig Latimer said the state has been dismally slow in completing its application for $20 million in federal assistance for elections.

It’s money that can help pay for everything from basic equipment to PPE.

“I’ve got some of my colleagues that have actually driven to other states to get hand sanitizer cause they couldn’t get it here. So there are some definite needs that are out there. That money also though will go for helping to pay for the additional mail ballot envelopes that we need, the additional inserts and also for equipment that can automate that process,” said Latimer.

Supervisors have also called on the Governor to extend windows for early voting and vote by mail, but so far no action has been taken.

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