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Unemployed Turn Anger Towards Judge

May 8th, 2020 by Mike Vasilinda

Following a judge’s refusal earlier this week to order the state to speed up unemployment payments, the judge has become a target on social media.

On Wednesday, Circuit Court Judge Angela Dempsey was sympathetic after listening to an hour and a half hearing.

“And we all feel bad for these folks that are having to wait,” said Dempsey.

She then ruled against eight unemployed Floridians in a hearing trying to force the state to move faster paying claims.

“I’m going to grant the motion to dismiss,” said Dempsey.

In his closing minutes earlier, Attorney Gautier Kitchen talked about pent up frustration.

“They are hurting, and they are hurting now, and the situation is dire. The despair is real,” said Kitchen.

And In the hours and days that followed, the frustration was turned on the judge.

A Facebook group, People of Florida, with over 4,400 members was brutal.

A previous reprimand was posted, another promised to fill up her email.

Yet another listed the website of her challenger this Fall.

The judge’s campaign facebook page was down Friday.

As a judicial candidate, Judge Dempsey’s challenger said there was nothing he could say about the judge.

But he did tell us interest in his campaign has picked up with more people offering to volunteer.

Stay tuned.

There is hope.

“It’s not over. No,” said Attorney Marie Mattox.

While the judge shot down a motion, the lawsuit is still alive.

“So that lawsuit was pending. It was going to be a longer term, and its still going to be a longer term solution, hopefully solution to the problem. But at the same time, we’re filing a petition for an emergency injunction,” said Mattox.

And the lawsuit is assigned to another judge, which gives the attorneys hope.

Court Administrator Grant Sladen provided this statement: “While some litigants and some members of the public may not be satisfied with the results in every case, our system of justice relies on due process and transparency, not particular outcomes.”

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