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Unemployment in the Courts

May 6th, 2020 by Mike Vasilinda

One lawsuit filed against the state for not paying unemployment claims timely got a hearing Wednesday.

The same day, the Governor got an unusual offer from a high profile lawyer.

The suit was filed by eight unemployed Floridians in hopes of speeding up the payment of unemployment claims.

The hearing was held virtually.

“So you certainly have the right to issue an order taking over the payment process and directing DEO to hire a competent person to process these claims, or you find a competent company,” said Attorney Steve Andrews who is representing the plaintiffs.

The judge dismissed the suit, leaving unemployed Jaquez McCoy at the mercy of friends and family.

“I’m disappointed by it, but we’re not finished. We’re not broken by it. We’re gonna keep fighting and we’re gonna keep on,” said McCoy.

Earlier in the day, outspoken Attorney John Morgan made an offer he said the state couldn’t refuse.

“The unemployment system is broken because we have a computer system that was broken day one,” said Morgan.

He’s offering to go after the contractor who built and installed the state’s unemployment system.

“Governor DeSantis, turn me and my trial team loose, and we’ll recover that money for the state of Florida. You know what I’ll charge you to do this? Zero. Nothing,” said Morgan.

A request for reaction from the Governor’s office went unanswered.

But problems paying claims persist.

At midmorning a call to the hotline was disconnected, but not before a the recording made this announcement.

“At this time we do not have access to claim specific information.”

We have confirmed that some desperate callers to the state’s unemployment hotline are being directed to contact the United Way for assistance.

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