Unemployment Improvements Too Slow for Many
April 22nd, 2020 by Mike Vasilinda
Florida is making progress paying unemployment claims, but the progress is slow.
When last week ended, just four percent of the claims had been paid.
The number is now just over 14 percent.
On the day after Jonathan Satter was named to take over the broken unemployment system, he told us problems had been identified and solutions were in the works.
“It’s gonna be a couple of days,” said Satter. “We’re hopeful.”
The Agency implemented a dashboard to track cases.
It shows that between Monday and Wednesday 167,000 new claims were filed, 25,000 were verified, and 23,000 processed.
Almost 68,000 were sent checks.
Oldsmar hospitality worker Jeremy Robles sent us his phone log, showing more than 100 calls on Tuesday alone.
“I’ve had my stuff pending since March 15th, and there is no to do list. Which is aggravating. Not knowing is worse than anything,” Robles.
In a Q &A Tuesday, the Governor called the system he inherited a “jalopy” and he told us improvements are being made, but some of the slowness is out of the state’s control.
“You have Federal databases that are being pinged, and guess what? Those are being stretched too. It’s very slow,” said Governor Ron DeSantis.
Between Monday and Wednesday, the state paid out just over $83 million.
That’s double what it paid out over the last 35 days.
But that doesn’t matter to Jeremy or the other 570,0000 whose claim has been verified but still haven’t gotten a check.
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