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Fewer Domestic Violence Calls Doesn’t Translate to Less Abuse

March 25th, 2020 by Mike Vasilinda

Florida’s domestic violence centers want you to know they are open and ready to help in this time of crisis, but calls to hotlines are falling.

However, that doesn’t mean there is less domestic violence.

Monday’s are typically the busiest day of the week for Domestic Violence hotlines and shelters.

“The abuser has gone to work after the weekend. The children are at school. She’s got a minutes to collect her thoughts alone, to be able to safely make that call,” said Meg Baldwin, Director of Refuge House in Tallahassee.

But not this past Monday.

“Typically on a Monday, we’ll receive between 30 and 40 calls from domestic violence victims who are reaching out after a weekend. This last Monday, we had fewer than five calls,” said Baldwin.

Increasing stress at home and at work is one of the reasons the Governor is resisting a statewide shelter in place order.

“I really worry about suicide, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, domestic abuse, child abuse, if this is allowed to go for months and months on end with nothing,” said Governor Ron DeSantis.

While Florida courts have virtually shut down, they are open to abuse victims who need protective or restraining orders.

At Refuge House, counseling calls to some victims are being answered by spouses, complicating the recovery.

“Where the victim is isolated and there is a greater opportunity presented to an abuser to hurt her, We’ll see the incidence of domestic violence rise. That doesn’t mean, that doesn’t necessarily translate into a victim being able to reach out to help,” said Baldwin.

The centers say they see the same lowered activity following a hurricane, but it only lasts four or five days.

The current lack of opportunity could last for months.

Sexual assault victims are also being urged to continue coming forward with the assurances they won’t have to go to a hospital to have a sexual assault kit captured for evidence.

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