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Governor Says He Can’t Say How Many Have Been Tested for Corona Virus

February 27th, 2020 by Mike Vasilinda

The Governor and state health officials continue to assert there are no confirmed cases of the Corona Virus, known as CoVid19 in Florida, but they do acknowledge some people have been tested.

Health officials are urging people to wash their hands, avoid touching their faces and to stay away from people who are sick.

What the Governor is not saying is how many people have been tested for CoVid 19.

“I don’t think I’m allowed to go into the numbers, but lets just say that since the beginning of this in January, Dr. Rivkees, we’ve been monitoring people coming in,” said governor Ron DeSantis.

The advice to keep the numbers secret comes from the Surgeon General Dr. Scott Rivkees.

He said the law doesn’t allow the release, because with no cases there is no risk of it spreading.

“And if those circumstances change, then we absolutely will make the public informed to protect the public, but at the present time, we don’t have community spread in Florida,” said Rivkees.

Testing has been problematic.

The initial kits were faulty, so samples are being sent to state labs and forwarded to the CDC in Atlanta says the Deputy Secretary for Health.

“The current time is about three to five days to receive the results from the tests. During that time, the person is in self isolation,” said Shamarial Deputy Secretary for Health Roberson.

Democrats are saying the refusal to release the number of people tested is unprecedented, and they are vowing to try and change the law if it doesn’t change by Monday.

“We have great public health professionals. Making sure that everybody is aware of the aggregate data is extremely important in preserving that confidence,” said Senator Jose Javier Rodriguez.

State officials did say you’re more likely to get the flu than the Corona virus, but they are urging people to prepare anyway.

The Surgeon General said Thursday the mortality rate for the Corona virus is about two percent, compared to about 0.3 percent for the flu.

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