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Governor Defends Senate President Over Bloomberg Money

January 22nd, 2020 by Mike Vasilinda

Senate President Bill Galvano has been under fire from conservative republicans over his acceptance of a half million dollars from now Presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg.

The money was given to a political action committee controlled by Galvano following the Parkland shooting.

Some are accusing Galvano of being disloyal to the President, and that prompted Governor Ron DeSantis to speak unprompted about the situation.

“Look, I just think Bill has taken a lot of flack as if he’s a supporter of Bloomberg. Bloomberg is running for President now, which is different now. I just want to say the guy is a hundred percent supporter of the President. He was instrumental in getting things like Sanctuary cities passed, school choice, he’ reduced taxes, he’s moving some good legislation. So I just felt as a friend, whatever happened then, he’ll have to explain that, and obviously I was on the other side of a lot of that Bloomberg money, but I’ll just tell you since I’ve dealt with him, he’s been really strong and he’s definitely been a supporter of the President. I just think it needed to be said,” said DeSantis.

The Governor did make clear he opposes increased background check legislation being pushed by Galvano this session.

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