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NRA Pushes Forward With Suit Challenging Age to Purchase Guns in Florida

November 21st, 2019 by Mike Vasilinda

The NRA is moving forward with a challenge to the state law banning the sale of rifles to anyone under 21.

It was enacted as a response to the deaths of 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglass High School in 2018.

On the day Rick Scott signed safe school legislation that also banned anyone under 21 from buying a gun the NRA filed suit.

Its plaintiffs were identified as John and Jane Doe.

“We wanted to protect these young adults from the vicious, hateful attacks and threats on their lives,” said NRA Lobbyist Marion Hammer.

A judge wouldn’t allow the plaintiffs to remain anonymous, so now the NRA has named a Jacksonville man as the plaintiff.

The hope is to get the case into court for resolution.

“These are young adults, 18 to 21. Old enough to go to war carrying a gun and die for their country, yet they are being denied their constitutional right to buy a firearm,” said Hammer.

19-year-old FSU student Anna Jensen isn’t happy about the law.

“I should be able to carry my weapon with me to protect myself if I should be attacked on the street,” said Jensen.

Other students like Francesca Althaus disagree.

“After the Parkland shooting, I think everyone is a little freaked out, but I think those rules should have been in place before then,” said Althaus.

When the Federal Government first banned the sale of handguns to anyone under the age of 21, a Texas case found that it was okay because they could still buy a long gun, but that’s no longer the case in Florida.

How quickly the case moves is important.

Once a plaintiffs turns 21, new plaintiffs need to be located.

The original plaintiffs, listed only as John and Jane Doe have since turned 21 and now have their right to own either a handgun or long gun.

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