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Governor Denies Knowledge of Pay-to-Play Memos

September 24th, 2019 by Mike Vasilinda

A controversial memo prepared by political operatives for Governor Ron DeSantis appeared to suggest a pay-to-play scheme, in which the Governor would spend time with big time donors.

On Monday, the Governor said he never saw the memo, which suggested that for a mere $25,000 you could be one of a foursome with the Governor on the golf course.

“So I had never seen those memos before. That was the first time I’d seen them. So they had no affect on me or anything that I’ve done. And at the end of the day my job is to pursue the state’s best interest. If people want to support that, great, but at the end of the day that’s the calculation that I make,” said DeSantis.

Political operative Susie Wiles, who helped both DeSantis and the President win Florida is reportedly the author of the memo.

She has since been relieved of her duties in both the Trump and DeSantis camps.

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