Price Gouging Hotline Receives 568 Complaints
August 30th, 2019 by Mike VasilindaAttorney General Ashley Moody said her office received 568 complaints over alleged price gouging as of the opening of business this morning.
About half came through the new app Florida No Scam, the other half from the traditional hot line.
Moody said the majority of complaints are about gas and water.
She said some companies have not been as cooperative as they should be when contacted by investigators.
“Gas stations need be aware we are following this closely. We got some reports that some had increased prices overnight. I can tell you that in trying to be proactive about that, some have not been cooperative. In fact insisted in order to do something about that, we may need to send someone with a badge, which I will oblige,” said Moody.
Under Flordia law, when there is a state of emergency, which has now been declared in all 67 counties, companies can not raise prices higher than the average price over the last 30 days unless then can prove their costs increased.
If you see what you believe is price gouging the number to call is 866-966-7226 or use the Florida No Scam App for Android and Apple devices.
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