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Capitol News Service » Blog Archive » Governor Signs 2019-2020 Budget; Vetoes $131 Million

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Governor Signs 2019-2020 Budget; Vetoes $131 Million

June 21st, 2019 by Jake Stofan

Governor Ron DeSantis has approved the largest budget in state history.

Most of the major spending for the environment and education made it in the final product, but not everything made the cut.

DeSantis called a late press conference to announce he’d put pen to paper on the state budget Friday afternoon.

“I think it’s a fiscally responsible budget. I think we put taxpayers first, but on the key issues that Floridians care about are things like environment, things like education, things like transportation we were there to really make a difference,” said DeSantis.

The final budget came in at $90.9 billion, just meeting his promise to keep the spending plan under $91 billion.

A total of $131 million was vetoed, but the Governor said it was nothing personal.

“I think we worked well together, so there wasn’t a need for me to exact any type of retribution because the Legislature didn’t work for me,” said DeSantis.

College campus construction projects was one main area where the Governor made cuts.

“We’re building a lot of buildings and that’s okay, but I think that what’s really gonna take us to the next level is spending some of that money on more faculty, increasing salaries for people you’re trying to recruit,” said DeSantis.

While the budget included just $121 million in tax cuts, the Governor upped number to $400 million, by including the reduction in local school taxes to offset rising property values.

“It’s just like if I make more money next year I’ll pay more under the same rates and so I feel that we acted to reduce the taxes that would’ve otherwise been due under the law,” said DeSantis.

As part of the new budget the state will also have $5.4 billion in reserves.

The money will be a safety net incase any storms hit the state this hurricane season.

The Governor now plans to travel the state to tout some of the highlights of the 2019-2020 budget.

The spending plan officially goes into effect on July 1st, the start of the fiscal year.

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