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First-Time Trump Voter Will Return, But Skeptical

June 18th, 2019 by Mike Vasilinda

A Tallahassee area restaurant owner, who passed on nine Presidential elections before registering to vote so she could cast a ballot for Donald Trump, said she will vote to reelect the President, but her unquestioning support for the President is waning.

Pam Buchanan is one of 112,911 Floridians who surprised pollsters in 2016 and voted for Donald Trump.

No one saw her coming, that’s because no one before Trump had ever motivated her to register and vote.

“He had a backbone. He wasn’t going to let people push him around,” said Buchanan.

The sign outside Kendalls Cafe, named for Pam’s grandmother, proudly proclaims the American ownership.

Inside between flipping pancakes, Pam sat down to take about the President.

“I’m still going to back him,” said Buchanan.

Her voice filled with reluctance, she said she is fed up with the rhetoric coming out of Washington.

“I never ever thought that somebody would be degrading somebody in his position as bad as they are,” said Buchanan. “And then him doing the same thing. You know, they’re all just being immature kids right now.”

And even though she is upset with the tone of today’s politics, she has never once considered not voting for the President again.

“I think he’s still doing good. He’s still got a lot of them scared. He’s doing a lot of what he said he was going to do,” said Buchanan.

Tallahassee is one of the bluest areas of Florida, yet Pam said her unabashed support for the President hasn’t hurt her business one bit.

And that may be because of Pam’s house rules.

“I don’t allow politics or religion,” said Buchanan.

But that might be easier said than done in the weeks and months ahead.

Pam supports the Presidents push to keep immigrants out of the country, but she’s not keen on building a wall.

She’s luke warm on tariffs because she said she often buys goods made in China.

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