AirBNB Taken off List of Scrutinized Companies
June 4th, 2019 by Mike VasilindaGovernor Ron DeSantis was lauded in Israel for his quick action back in January when he and the Cabinet placed AirBNB on the state’s list of scrutinized companies for refusing listings on the disputed West Bank in Israel.
The company relented in April, and on Tuesday, his first full day back on the job, the Governor and Cabinet took the company off the list.
“The key headliner here is that we’ve had a very positive outcome on the engagement with AirBNB in relation to the boycott, divest and sanction Israel movement. As you know we engaged them previously. They reversed their policy, and so we have removed them from the scrutinized list with your vote here today,” said Executive Director of the State Board of Administration, Ash Williams.
Had the company refused, the state pension fund would have been prohibited from investing in the company if it ever went public, and state employees could not have used AirBNB on state business.
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