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DeSantis Applauded by Israelis for Tough Stance on AirBNB

May 28th, 2019 by Mike Vasilinda

Governor Ron DeSantis received accolades in Israel for his showdown with AirBNB over its refusal to list houses on the disputed West Bank.

The company remains on the list of scrutinized companies, despite changing its policy more than a month ago.

AirBNB announced it would no longer list rentals on the disputed West Bank in late 2018.

On the campaign trail and then again as Governor, DeSantis took the company to task.

At the state’s second Cabinet meeting of the new administration in mid-January, AirBNB became the first American company to be placed on the list of scrutinized companies for its perceived anti-Jewish actions.

“What they have done is tied themselves in knots and you end up with a policy, which really only negatively impacts one group of people in the world,”
said DeSantis.

In Israel Tuesday, the Governor got high marks for his swift action.

“Your position and your activity changed the mind of the people in AirBNB and that’s really really appreciated,” said Yuhada Danon, Ariel University President.

Much like an honorary degree, Ariel University awarded the Governor a fellowship.
“Ron is a warrior. He understands the importance of Israel,” said Dr. Miriam Adelson with Ariel University.

AirBNB changed its policy in April, the Governor said they should be rewarded.

“I mean I never had it out for AirBNB. I never used AirBNB, but I always thought that they had a neat thing,” said DeSantis. “So when they reversed course and they’re not discriminating, you know we should not penalize a company that does the right thing.”

While its unclear if the Governor and Cabinet must take another vote to remove the company from the list of scrutinized companies, it won’t happen in Israel.

That’s because Wednesday’s Cabinet meeting will be strictly ceremonial.

Even the Governor is uncertain if he and Cabinet must take another vote to remove Air BNB from the scrutinized companies list, or if it will happen automatically.

AirBNB refused comment on the story, but in a statement AirBNB said it will continue listing properties on the West Bank, but will take no profits from the listings.

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