Texting Vote Delayed. Senate to Vote on Thursday
April 24th, 2019 by Mike VasilindaThe Flordia Senate today postponed a scheduled vote on texting while driving. The Senate version of the bill requires hands free for all cell phone use. A House bill approved Tuesday doesn’t have the hands free provision. After losing a daughter in a crash, Former State Representative Irv Slosberg was responsible for making seatbelt use mandatory, and he has been the main supporter of anti texting laws.
“In 2009, the legislature passed the Dori Slosberg, Katie Marquette seat belt law” says Slosberg. “And what happened is we saved five hundred lives a year., and compliance for seatbelts went from 72 percent to up to 90 or 91 percent. And wow, did it make a difference, and it’s going to be the same thin with distracted driving.”
House sponsors don’t believe the full House will accept hands free driving. Advocates worry the disagreement between the two chambers could result in nothing happening again this year.
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