Florida Democrats Look Ahead to 2020 Census
April 1st, 2019 by Jake StofanExactly one year from Monday, the 2020 census process will begin.
Some Democratic lawmakers in the Florida Legislature want to make sure Florida’s count is as accurate as possible.
The legislators are pushing a bill that would establish a Complete Count Committee made up of state and local lawmakers.
The committee would be tasked with reaching out to marginalized communities, which in the past have been under counted.
Getting the number is important, according to Senator Bobby Powell, because population factors into how much Federal funding communities are eligible to receive for things like schools and hospitals.
“Nowhere are the stakes higher than here in the state of Florida. Our state is home to a variety of cultures and lifestyles, all of which require a unique outreach strategy designed to make sure we get the most efficient and effective count,” said Powell.
Democrats also argued against the inclusion of a citizenship question on the 2020 census, asserting it would discourage some undocumented immigrants from participating.
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