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Capitol News Service » Blog Archive » Mayors Fight Against State Preemption Efforts

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Mayors Fight Against State Preemption Efforts

March 27th, 2019 by Mike Vasilinda

The Florida League of Mayors is complaining about legislative attempts to preempt local governments from passing ordinances on everything from banning plastic straws to regulating short term home rentals through online booking services such as AirBNB.

Hawthorne Mayor Matt Furrency is the group’s President.

“This is a local zoning issue. Each of our communities can decide how short term rentals fit within our communities. We’re not necessarily for them or against them, but we want the opportunity to work with the short term rentals and figure out where they go and how they fit in our communities,” said Furrency.

The mayors say the local governments know their areas best, and shouldn’t be prohibited from enacting restrictions local residents want.

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