Leaders in State Capitol Teaming Up to Help Federal Workers
January 18th, 2019 by Jake StofanA coalition of faith, businesses and civic leaders has convened to help furloughed federal workers in the the State’s Capitol.
The group calling themselves the “Love Thy Neighbor Movement” are helping gather recourse and encourage banks, city governments and medical providers to be conscious of the financial stress put on an estimated 300 government workers in the city directly impacted by the Government shutdown.
It’s been 28 days since the shut down started and the coalition is begging Congress and the President to set aside their differences for the good of the 800,000 federal employees nationwide going without pay.
“It’s not about Democrats or Republicans, or black or white or brown or jews or catholics or protistans. It’s about our community and how do we make sure that we provide resources to men and women who need their lights to stay on,” said Reverend Dr. R.B. Holmes.
The coalition says if the Government shutdown doesn’t end soon, it will take the fight directly to Washington DC, traveling by bus to meet face to face with lawmakers.
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