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Late Senator’s Legacy Carried On By Colleagues

December 11th, 2018 by Jake Stofan

The Florida Senate paid its respect to the late Senator Dorthy Hukill Tuesday, with a memorial service held in the Senate Chamber.

Hukill passed away after battling cancer in October.

A bill Senator Hukill pushed during her final years in office has been filed by two of her closest colleagues and renamed the Dorothy L. Hukill Financial Literacy Act in her honor.

First filed by Hukill in 2014, the bill would require high school students pass a half credit financial literacy course in order to graduate.

She told us that year, it would better prepare students for the road ahead.

“They’re going to be faced with these issues immediately,” said Hukill. “You know how do I sign a lease, what does it mean? What does that debit card mean?”

The Legislation didn’t pass, but Hukill continued fighting for the cause until she passed away.

Senate President Bill Galvano says Hukill’s relentless dedication defined her career in the Florida Senate.

“She was a very determined person and when she’d put her mind to something she would pursue it and she felt like this should be a mandatory part of curriculum,” said Galvano.

Next door to the office Hukill used to occupy the Legislation has been given new life.

Senator Travis Hutson, a close friend and colleague of Hukill is sponsoring the Legislation for the 2019 session, renaming it, “The Dorothy L. Hukill Financial Literacy Act” in her honor.

“It will be a very emotional day, much like today honoring her will be,” said Hutson. “It will be a very emotional day should we be able to get this through.”

Last year, after returning to the legislature following a bout with cancer, the Senate passed Hukill’s financial literacy bill unanimously, but as in previous years a compromise couldn’t be reached with the House.

It was Hukill herself who was unwilling to compromise, refusing the House’s amendment, which would have only offered the course as an elective.

“Senator Hukill wasn’t about compromising and would always say, I’ll do it next year,” said Hutson.

This year, the House sponsor is newly elected Representative Elizabeth Fetterhoff, a former aid to Senator Hukill.

Senator Hutson says if the bill passes this year, it will be the version Hukill fought for untill the end.

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