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Capitol News Service » Blog Archive » How Will the Next Governor Get Around Without a State Plane?

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How Will the Next Governor Get Around Without a State Plane?

November 1st, 2018 by Mike Vasilinda
For the last 8 years, Governor Rick Scott has been traveling the state on his own jet, which is creating a dilemma for whoever is elected November sixth.
Neither Ron DeSantis or Andrew Gillum are millionaires.
Neither owns a plane, but whomever is elected will have to live at least temporarily with a promise Rick Scott made campaigning eight years ago.
“I’ll-put an end to pet spending projects, sell the air state plane,” Scott said in a campaign ad.
Scott lived up to the promise two days after taking office.
“Its a promise I made and I’ll live up to them,” aid Scott in 2011.
He’s been flying in his own jet ever since.
So what’s the new Governor to do?
Key lawmakers say they’re looking for a way for him to travel that’s a good value for taxpayers.
One option is using turbo prop planes still owned by some agencies.
They fly about half as fast as the jet the state sold.
Back in 2011,  we asked Rick Scott how other state officials would travel.
“They can drive or fly,” Scott said.
But former Governor Bob Martinez says that’s not practical.
“My guess would be is that without a plane, I wouldn’t take speaking engagements more than 50-100 miles from Tallahassee,” said Martinez.
Even conservative Florida Taxwatch thinks a jet is imperative.
“You know, ultimately we think it’s an important tool  for the Governor, given the fact we are a very very large peninsular state,” said TaxWatch President Dominic Calabro. “You know. out of sight, out of mind.
The likely scenario is that the state leases a plane short term, while it sorts out how the Governor will travel.
Since taking office Rick Scott bought at least one new plane.
He was recently criticized for the purchase in campaign ads.

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